Monday, August 26, 2013
Apa Sebenarnya Gw?
Ya, gw udah bosan. Dan merengek kepada tuhan pun bukan lah jalan.
Apa yang sebenarnya gw alami selama ini?
Hidup sebagai manusia?
Seandainya gw bisa menolak untuk diberikan kehidupan, mungkin itu akan membuat gw bahagia.
At expected, youth is fake. A deception.
The raving of hypocrite.
Cuma kehidupan munafik. Hah, gw mo semua ini berakhir.
Gw mo ini berakhir, secepatnya, selama-lama nya.
Apa sebenarnya gw ini?
Apa kamu merasa kehidupan ini berharga? kalau ya, mengapa?
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Keyword yang Orang Pake Hingga Ketemu Blog Gw
Abis ngeliat traffic sources di blog. Dikarenakan gw penasaran, kenapa kok postingan gw yang berjudul
"23 CIRI ORANG YANG CINTA SAMA KAMU selalu di urutan pertama? aneh dan ajaib memang.
Jadi let's see keyword yang dipake orang-orang hingga nyasar di blog gw.
1. ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita
Oke, gw yakin ini hal kek gini memang ngebuat banyak remaja penasaran. Tentunya postingan gw dibaca remaja. Thank you thank you :)
2. ciri-ciri orang yang suka sama kita
Traffic source mulai nggak beres. liat aja nomor 1 dan nomor 2 sama. Apa coba bedanya? ini beneran. pas gw liat, gw langsung liat kaca, mungkin aja ada satu pasang mata yang tiba-tiba muncul di atas mata gw yang utama hingga gw bisa ngeliat kata-kata ganda. Namun, Alhamdulillah nggak ada. Yay...
3. ciri ciri orang suka sama kita
Ini makin aneh. Cuma perbedaan antara no 1 dan 2 pake kata 'yang' dan no 3 nggak pake kata 'yang'?
Coba kasih panadol deh ke om google. mungkin dia puyeng..
4. tentara korea masuk islam
Alhamdulillah deh, saudara seiman bertambah :)
5. apa itu ml
Sebenarnya yang parah adalah, menurut analisa gw, keyword ini dicari sama remaja umur dibawah 15 tahun(masih polos-polosnya). Dan 1 hal yang membuat gw penasaran, dari mana mereka tahu kata-kata ml itu?
Yang menyedihkan adalah, saat mereka mencari keyword itu di google, yang keluar adalah link ke blog gw dan pastinya lo tau, kalo blogspot dicari di google, bakal muncul foto author nya.
Apa yang mereka pikirin ya saat mereka klik link ke blog gw, sedih rasanya. Mungkin gw dikira
bintang film mesum kali T_T ....
6. bahan bakar supercell
Dah nggak faham deh. Yang musti tau, Supercell itu japan band. Napa jadi bahan bakar gini. Gila apa..
7. ciri ciri orang yg suka sama kita
Ngakak kuadrat asli. Harus buat film kek nya "ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita", "ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita", "ciri ciri orang suka sama kita", dan "ciri ciri orang yg suka sama kita". Kasih panadol 10 butir coba..
8. ciri orang benar benar cinta sama kita
kita itu siapa ya? universal kah? Membagi-bagi cinta..
9. ciri orang yang suka kepada saya
Nice one my friend, kamu telah melangkah maju ke dunia remaja dengan segala rasa dan duka nya.
10. ciri orang yang suka sama kamu
*tepok jidat*
"23 CIRI ORANG YANG CINTA SAMA KAMU selalu di urutan pertama? aneh dan ajaib memang.
Jadi let's see keyword yang dipake orang-orang hingga nyasar di blog gw.
1. ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita
Oke, gw yakin ini hal kek gini memang ngebuat banyak remaja penasaran. Tentunya postingan gw dibaca remaja. Thank you thank you :)
2. ciri-ciri orang yang suka sama kita
Traffic source mulai nggak beres. liat aja nomor 1 dan nomor 2 sama. Apa coba bedanya? ini beneran. pas gw liat, gw langsung liat kaca, mungkin aja ada satu pasang mata yang tiba-tiba muncul di atas mata gw yang utama hingga gw bisa ngeliat kata-kata ganda. Namun, Alhamdulillah nggak ada. Yay...
3. ciri ciri orang suka sama kita
Ini makin aneh. Cuma perbedaan antara no 1 dan 2 pake kata 'yang' dan no 3 nggak pake kata 'yang'?
Coba kasih panadol deh ke om google. mungkin dia puyeng..
4. tentara korea masuk islam
Alhamdulillah deh, saudara seiman bertambah :)
5. apa itu ml
Sebenarnya yang parah adalah, menurut analisa gw, keyword ini dicari sama remaja umur dibawah 15 tahun(masih polos-polosnya). Dan 1 hal yang membuat gw penasaran, dari mana mereka tahu kata-kata ml itu?
Yang menyedihkan adalah, saat mereka mencari keyword itu di google, yang keluar adalah link ke blog gw dan pastinya lo tau, kalo blogspot dicari di google, bakal muncul foto author nya.
Apa yang mereka pikirin ya saat mereka klik link ke blog gw, sedih rasanya. Mungkin gw dikira
bintang film mesum kali T_T ....
6. bahan bakar supercell
Dah nggak faham deh. Yang musti tau, Supercell itu japan band. Napa jadi bahan bakar gini. Gila apa..
7. ciri ciri orang yg suka sama kita
Ngakak kuadrat asli. Harus buat film kek nya "ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita", "ciri ciri orang yang suka sama kita", "ciri ciri orang suka sama kita", dan "ciri ciri orang yg suka sama kita". Kasih panadol 10 butir coba..
8. ciri orang benar benar cinta sama kita
kita itu siapa ya? universal kah? Membagi-bagi cinta..
9. ciri orang yang suka kepada saya
Nice one my friend, kamu telah melangkah maju ke dunia remaja dengan segala rasa dan duka nya.
10. ciri orang yang suka sama kamu
*tepok jidat*
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Anime and Me Review
Kemarin gw abis buat video durasi 2 menit buat apply program JENESYS 2.0 tentang minat gw mengenai Pop Culture begitu. Dan karena yang gw pilih adalah topik mengenai anime, tentunya gw masukin hal hal yang menurut gw interest banget mengenai anime itu sendiri.
Silahkan cek :)
Video pertama gw mengenai anime itu sendiri. Masih newbie sih :)
Ini jadi refleksi gw buat bikin video-video tentang overview aplikasi yang gw buat terus upload ke youtube.
Anyway, thanks ^^
Silahkan cek :)
Video pertama gw mengenai anime itu sendiri. Masih newbie sih :)
Ini jadi refleksi gw buat bikin video-video tentang overview aplikasi yang gw buat terus upload ke youtube.
Anyway, thanks ^^
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Kehidupan Palsu
Nice Quote dari cendekiawan islam turki, Harun Yahya. Namun yang ingin gw angkat disini adalah mengenai hubungan antara masyarakat dan hidup pribadi lo.
Sebenarnya mengapa manusia harus mengikuti kemauan dari masyarakat sekitanya?
semisal sebuah paksaan seperti PR yang diberikan seorang guru kepada muridnya dan tugas kantor yang diberikan bos kepada pegawainya.
Jawaban paling simple yang sering diberikan, seakan itu adalah sebuah kebaikan adalah = "hal itu demi kebaikan mu sendiri ke depannya". Menarik bukan? dengan sebuah jawaban seperti itu, potensi beberapa manusia akan terikat penuh. Mereka yang menginginkan kebebasan berekspresi akhirnya mengendap dalam lubang kehidupan yang gelap dan mereka tidak tahu harus berbuat apa.
"Hal yang paling menarik bagi gw adalah, mengamati kelakuan manusia dan menertawakannya"
Kejadian2 seperti itulah yang membuat gw sering bertanya, apa arti kehidupan gw sebenarnya. kalau manusia harus mengikuti keinginan orang di sekitarnya, lalu kehidupan macam apa itu?
Kehidupan itu apa?
Hah, gw rasa sebagian besar manusia pun nggak tahu. bahkan mungkin mereka masih mempertanyakan arti kehidupan mrk sebenarnya.
Bukankah kalo sudah tidak memiliki niat hidup, maka jalan terbaik adalah menghadapnya?
lalu bagaimana cara nya?
Wakaranai, wakaranakatta..I dont understand at all. lebih nggak mengerti kenapa manusia bisa tertawa. Mungkin mereka telah menemukan makna kehidupan mereka kah? jadi mengikuti keinginan lingkungan sekitarnya adalah pilihan mereka untuk menemukan makna kehidupan?
Gw menyerah.
Seandainya bunuh diri diperbolehkan dalam agama, mungkin orang akan melakukannya, dan mungkin pula gw akan melakukannya. Ada beberapa orang yang menginginkan hidup di luar sana. lalu bisakah menukar nyawa dengan mereka?
Gw rasa, jika kehidupan cuma paksaan, mungkin mati itu hal yang terbaik.
"Always and always, i think about death in some way, but cannot do it because of some belief"
Question that will never be answered
"The best question is 'never ask a question' "
Bukan berarti gw melarang untuk bertanya. Tp gw rasa, ketika ada hal yang lo seharusnya nggak perlu tanya ke orang lain, nggak perlu bertanya.
Ada banyak referensi yang bisa lo pake, ada google, yahoo, bing, dsb, dsb, dsb.
Jujur, gw benci pertanyaan bodoh. Dan gw benci pertanyaan berulang.
Hari ini nanya pertanyaan A, esoknya bertanya pertanyaan A juga. Lucu...
Give me a break plis. Menjadi seorang IT bukan berarti gw jago dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan komputer. ya seperti itulah.
Gw rasa ekspresi gw sebagai manusia udah hilang. Tertawa, rasa tawa itu udah nggak ada. Jadi tolong jangan terlihat kesal (at least di depan gw, membuat gw merasa nggak nyaman). Tp gw nggak peduli walau gw udah kehilangan ekspresi sebagai manusia dan tampak layaknya robot. It's more fun. Lebih menyenangkan bagi gw.
I cannot express any more, the expression
Oleh karena itu, jangan menanyakan banyak pertanyaan kepada gw.
Bukan berarti gw melarang untuk bertanya. Tp gw rasa, ketika ada hal yang lo seharusnya nggak perlu tanya ke orang lain, nggak perlu bertanya.
Ada banyak referensi yang bisa lo pake, ada google, yahoo, bing, dsb, dsb, dsb.
Jujur, gw benci pertanyaan bodoh. Dan gw benci pertanyaan berulang.
Hari ini nanya pertanyaan A, esoknya bertanya pertanyaan A juga. Lucu...
Give me a break plis. Menjadi seorang IT bukan berarti gw jago dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan komputer. ya seperti itulah.
Gw rasa ekspresi gw sebagai manusia udah hilang. Tertawa, rasa tawa itu udah nggak ada. Jadi tolong jangan terlihat kesal (at least di depan gw, membuat gw merasa nggak nyaman). Tp gw nggak peduli walau gw udah kehilangan ekspresi sebagai manusia dan tampak layaknya robot. It's more fun. Lebih menyenangkan bagi gw.
I cannot express any more, the expression
Oleh karena itu, jangan menanyakan banyak pertanyaan kepada gw.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Mikako Komatsu Owaranai Melody Lyric
Jujur ini lagu yang emang interesting buat gw. Dan dari sisi MV yang ditawarkan sama Mikako Komatsu, ya gw bisa bilang style nya menarik. Terutama seragam sekolah + potongan rambut pendek nya >//<
Link buat MV nya : here
ada di youtube juga, tp gw lupa linknya.
Romanized :
Owaranai MERODII wo utaidashimashita.
Totemo daisuki de sukoshi setsunakute
Tomaru koto ga dekinakute kirai ni narimashita
Tatoe taisetsu na kimi no soba demo
life on the planet
Mieru keshiki wa
Onaji ni wa dekinai no desu
Kokoro mo mirai mo egao mo
Sou, mada minu ai mo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Towa no uta
Tomedonaku nagareru namida arimashita
Totemo toumei de chotto shoppakute
Tomeru koto ga dekinakute minna waraimashita
Namida warai demo onaji iro desho?
life on the planet
Mieru keshiki wa
Onaji ni wa dekinai mono
Kokoro mo mirai mo egao mo
Sou mada minu yume mo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
I can believe you tonight
you see what I want tonight
Koishikute nakitakute furueru yoru mo aru keredo
I can believe you tonight
you see what I want tonight
Eien to hakanasa to furueru yoru mo aru keredo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Link buat MV nya : here
ada di youtube juga, tp gw lupa linknya.
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Cover Album |
Romanized :
Owaranai MERODII wo utaidashimashita.
Totemo daisuki de sukoshi setsunakute
Tomaru koto ga dekinakute kirai ni narimashita
Tatoe taisetsu na kimi no soba demo
life on the planet
Mieru keshiki wa
Onaji ni wa dekinai no desu
Kokoro mo mirai mo egao mo
Sou, mada minu ai mo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Towa no uta
Tomedonaku nagareru namida arimashita
Totemo toumei de chotto shoppakute
Tomeru koto ga dekinakute minna waraimashita
Namida warai demo onaji iro desho?
life on the planet
Mieru keshiki wa
Onaji ni wa dekinai mono
Kokoro mo mirai mo egao mo
Sou mada minu yume mo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
I can believe you tonight
you see what I want tonight
Koishikute nakitakute furueru yoru mo aru keredo
I can believe you tonight
you see what I want tonight
Eien to hakanasa to furueru yoru mo aru keredo
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Wakatte nda
sweet love in love world
sweet love in love world
you know what you wanna be
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Solaria Belum Bersertifikat Halal. Makanan dan Restaurant
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Lambang Solaria |
Info penting! Copas : "Buat teman² moslemku yg suka makan di Solaria". Nih....ada sedikit info: Ada kerabatnya teman yg mau beli franchise Solaria. Tp ketika mau bikin perjanjian, ternyata pihak pemilik frenchise tsb mengatakan wajib menggunakan angchiu dan minyak babi dlm bbrp masakan. Dikomentari oleh kerabat sy, "Lho itu kan haram". Tp jwbn pemilik franchise lebih mencengangkan lg. "Di sini (solaria-red) wajib pake itu. Lagian kita ga pake label Halal kok. Klo ga mau ywd ".
Jd hati2 klo pilih restaurant
Dan ternyata memang solaria belum terdaftar sertifikat halal dari MUI.
Sumber : @dianfitriani...
Dari website MUI :
Sehubungan dengan banyaknya pertanyaan dari masyarakat mengenai
kehalalan restoran Solaria, maka bersama ini disampaikan bahwa MUI
melalui Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan dan Kosmetika Majelis
Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI) belum pernah melakukan pemeriksaan atas
produk makanan/minuman dan atau mengeluarkan sertifikat halal untuk
restoran Solaria di mana pun, sehingga MUI tidak menjamin kehalalan
makanan/minuman yang disajikan oleh restoran Solaria.
Demikian pengumuman ini disampaikan, untuk menjawab kebingunan
masyarakat serta demi melindungi umat Islam dari makanan yang tidak
terjamin kehalalannya.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Ai No Melody-Kokia Lyric
anata wa marude komorebi no you ni
watashi ni ikiru kibou kureta shiawase ga waratta
kioku no naka no nukumori mune ni
nani yori mo tsuyoi kizuna wo kanjite iru wa
watashi ga watashi rashiku irareru no wa
anata ga iru kara
anata wo ai shite umareta uta wo utaou
watashi no ai no akashi ni
shinjite doko made mo todoke watashi no omoi
anata ga ikite iru koto ga shinjitsu
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
karami atta kokoro no ito wo
tokihogusu mae ni wakareta tsurakute mo nozonda
"kono ai wo tsuranukou" hitori goto no you ni
towa ni chikai wo tateru
itooshi sa ni tsutsumareru merodii
mai agare sora ni
sono me ni mienai taisetsu na mono wo miseyou
afureru ai no izumi ni
omoi wa doko made mo fukaku toki wo koete mo
ikite yukeru sore ga watashi no ai no uta
mmm fureru hada wo toiki ga nazoru
"nee mou ne chatta no"
mmm sore nara mimi moto de "I love you"
anata wo ai shite umareta uta wo utaou
watashi no ai no akashi ni
shinjite doko made mo todoke watashi no omoi
anata ga ikite iru koto ga shinjitsu
sono me ni mienai taisetsu na mono wo miseyou
afureru ai no izumi ni
anata to deatte nagaredashita kono merodii
furuete iru ima kono toki mo ikiteru
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
Japan :
็งใซ็ใใๅธๆใใใ ๅนธใใ็ฌใฃใ
่จๆถใฎไธญๆธฉใใ่ธใซ ไฝใใใๅผทใ็ตใๆใใฆใใใ
็งใ็งใใใ ๅฑ ใใใใฎใฏ ใใชใใๅฑ ใใใ
ใใชใใๆใใฆ ็ใพใใๆญใๆญใใ
็งใฎๆใฎ่จผใซ ไฟกใใฆ
ใฉใใพใงใๅฑใ ใใใใฎๆณใ
ใใชใใ ็ใใฆใใไบใ็ๅฎ
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ
ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ… ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
็ตกใฟใใฃใๅฟใฎ็ณธใ ่งฃใใปใใๅใซๅฅใใ่พใใฆใๆใใ
「ใใฎๆใ่ฒซใใ」็ฌใ่จใฎใใใซ ๆฐธไน ใซ่ชใใใใฆใ
ๆใใใใซ ๅ ใพใใใกใญใใฃใผ
่ใไธใใ็ฉบใซ ใใฎ็ณใซ่ฆใใชใ
ๅคงๅใชใใฎใ่ฆใใใ ๆบขใใๆใฎๆณใซ
ๆณใใฏ ใฉใใพใงใๆทฑใ
ๆใ่ถ ใใฆใ ็ใใฆใใใ ใใใ็งใฎๆใฎๆญ
mmm ่งฆใใ่ใ ๅๆฏใใชใใ
「ใญใ ใใๅฏใกใใฃใใฎ?」
ใใใชใ่ณใใจใง「I love you」
็ใพใใๆญใๆญใใ ็งใฎๆใฎ่จผใซ
ไฟกใใฆ ใฉใใพใงใๅฑใ ใใใใฎๆณใ
ใใชใใ็ใใฆใใไบใ็ๅฎ ใใฎ็ณใซ่ฆใใชใ
ๅคงๅใชใใฎใ่ฆใใใ ๆบขใใๆใฎๆณใซ
ใใชใใจๅบ้ขใฃใฆ ๆตใๅบใใ
ใใฎใกใญใใฃใผ ้ใใฆใใไป
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ…ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ…ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
English :
You're like sunbeams shining through the leaves
You gave me the hopes that live within me, happiness smiled on me
In my warm heart, immersed in memories
I feel a bond that is stronger than anything
You're here
So that I can be myself
I'm going to sing a song about being born to love you
As proof of my love
Believe me, my feelings will reach out as far as it takes
You being alive is the truth of that statement
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
We said goodbye before the intertwined threads of our hearts
Could be unwound; though it was painful, it was what I wanted
Like a soliloquy, "pierce this love"
I'm under oath for all eternity
A melody wrapped in love
Let it soar up into the sky
I'll show you something important that you can't see with your own eyes
In the overflowing spring of love
My feelings are endlessly deep, and though they pass through time
I can live on; that's my love song
mmm, my breath traces across your skin, that I touch
"Hey, are you asleep already?"
mmm, then I whisper "I love you" in your ear
I'm going to sing a song about being born to love you
As proof of my love
Believe me, my feelings will reach out as far as it takes
You being alive is the truth of that statement
I'll show you something important that you can't see with your own eyes
In the overflowing spring of love
This melody was playing when I met you for the first time
Now, during this quivering moment, I'm alive
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
anata wa marude komorebi no you ni
watashi ni ikiru kibou kureta shiawase ga waratta
kioku no naka no nukumori mune ni
nani yori mo tsuyoi kizuna wo kanjite iru wa
watashi ga watashi rashiku irareru no wa
anata ga iru kara
anata wo ai shite umareta uta wo utaou
watashi no ai no akashi ni
shinjite doko made mo todoke watashi no omoi
anata ga ikite iru koto ga shinjitsu
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
karami atta kokoro no ito wo
tokihogusu mae ni wakareta tsurakute mo nozonda
"kono ai wo tsuranukou" hitori goto no you ni
towa ni chikai wo tateru
itooshi sa ni tsutsumareru merodii
mai agare sora ni
sono me ni mienai taisetsu na mono wo miseyou
afureru ai no izumi ni
omoi wa doko made mo fukaku toki wo koete mo
ikite yukeru sore ga watashi no ai no uta
mmm fureru hada wo toiki ga nazoru
"nee mou ne chatta no"
mmm sore nara mimi moto de "I love you"
anata wo ai shite umareta uta wo utaou
watashi no ai no akashi ni
shinjite doko made mo todoke watashi no omoi
anata ga ikite iru koto ga shinjitsu
sono me ni mienai taisetsu na mono wo miseyou
afureru ai no izumi ni
anata to deatte nagaredashita kono merodii
furuete iru ima kono toki mo ikiteru
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
itooshikute ureshikute kanashikute setsunakute
kuyashikute modokashikute... ai no merodii
Japan :
็งใซ็ใใๅธๆใใใ ๅนธใใ็ฌใฃใ
่จๆถใฎไธญๆธฉใใ่ธใซ ไฝใใใๅผทใ็ตใๆใใฆใใใ
็งใ็งใใใ ๅฑ ใใใใฎใฏ ใใชใใๅฑ ใใใ
ใใชใใๆใใฆ ็ใพใใๆญใๆญใใ
็งใฎๆใฎ่จผใซ ไฟกใใฆ
ใฉใใพใงใๅฑใ ใใใใฎๆณใ
ใใชใใ ็ใใฆใใไบใ็ๅฎ
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ
ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ… ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
็ตกใฟใใฃใๅฟใฎ็ณธใ ่งฃใใปใใๅใซๅฅใใ่พใใฆใๆใใ
「ใใฎๆใ่ฒซใใ」็ฌใ่จใฎใใใซ ๆฐธไน ใซ่ชใใใใฆใ
ๆใใใใซ ๅ ใพใใใกใญใใฃใผ
่ใไธใใ็ฉบใซ ใใฎ็ณใซ่ฆใใชใ
ๅคงๅใชใใฎใ่ฆใใใ ๆบขใใๆใฎๆณใซ
ๆณใใฏ ใฉใใพใงใๆทฑใ
ๆใ่ถ ใใฆใ ็ใใฆใใใ ใใใ็งใฎๆใฎๆญ
mmm ่งฆใใ่ใ ๅๆฏใใชใใ
「ใญใ ใใๅฏใกใใฃใใฎ?」
ใใใชใ่ณใใจใง「I love you」
็ใพใใๆญใๆญใใ ็งใฎๆใฎ่จผใซ
ไฟกใใฆ ใฉใใพใงใๅฑใ ใใใใฎๆณใ
ใใชใใ็ใใฆใใไบใ็ๅฎ ใใฎ็ณใซ่ฆใใชใ
ๅคงๅใชใใฎใ่ฆใใใ ๆบขใใๆใฎๆณใซ
ใใชใใจๅบ้ขใฃใฆ ๆตใๅบใใ
ใใฎใกใญใใฃใผ ้ใใฆใใไป
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ…ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
ๆใใใใฆ ๅฌใใใฆ ๆฒใใใฆ ๅใชใใฆ ๆใใใฆ ใใฉใใใใฆ…ๆใฎใกใญใใฃใผ
English :
You're like sunbeams shining through the leaves
You gave me the hopes that live within me, happiness smiled on me
In my warm heart, immersed in memories
I feel a bond that is stronger than anything
You're here
So that I can be myself
I'm going to sing a song about being born to love you
As proof of my love
Believe me, my feelings will reach out as far as it takes
You being alive is the truth of that statement
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
We said goodbye before the intertwined threads of our hearts
Could be unwound; though it was painful, it was what I wanted
Like a soliloquy, "pierce this love"
I'm under oath for all eternity
A melody wrapped in love
Let it soar up into the sky
I'll show you something important that you can't see with your own eyes
In the overflowing spring of love
My feelings are endlessly deep, and though they pass through time
I can live on; that's my love song
mmm, my breath traces across your skin, that I touch
"Hey, are you asleep already?"
mmm, then I whisper "I love you" in your ear
I'm going to sing a song about being born to love you
As proof of my love
Believe me, my feelings will reach out as far as it takes
You being alive is the truth of that statement
I'll show you something important that you can't see with your own eyes
In the overflowing spring of love
This melody was playing when I met you for the first time
Now, during this quivering moment, I'm alive
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
It's lovely, happy, sad, painful
Regretful, irritating...the melody of love
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Romanized :
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? ima no jibun saa Wonderland
My Life tsumaranai sore ga hyoujou ni
Don't forget koujoushin tsune ni
imi ga nai mono ni te wo sashi nobete mo shigeki ga tsuyosugi higeki na Ronin
yaritai koto hibi bouken Keep it going!
tsuite koi sekai ni ikou ze
yume wa miru MON janaku so kanaeru MON desho?
dakara kanawanai yume nara yume to wa iwanai!!
sore demo hito ga "yume wa yume" da to iu nara
mazu wa orera ga senjin kitte warai tobashite yaru! tobashite yaru!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
aserasenaide PACE kuzushitakunai kara
Some day kagayaku tame ni taiyou no hikari wo abiteiku kara
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
naimen wo arata ni My Men to habataki dasu
Compass ga sasu hou e Go for a sail!!
ima ga muri nara aseru hitsuyou nai kedo
dakedo sugoi POWER mottenda dakara dashitekou! dashitekou!
mienai kyoufu de aruku yuuki ga nai n daro?
naraba orera ga hikari to natte so terashite yaru! terashite yaru!
dakara iwande kure "douse ore wa" to ka iu no
mada da! mada da! yatte minakya wakaran ze! wakaran ze!
saki no hoshou wa DOKO no sekai ni mo nai kara
dakara sore motomete yattetara zettai DEKAku wa naren zo!!
genjitsumi nai to ka jikan no MUDA to ka moshi dareka ni iwareta nara
kuyashisa oshi koroshi ashita no BANE ni shite
shikkari VISION wo tataki dase!
yume wa nigenai yo kanchigai shiteru n janai?
sou sa nigeru no wa jibun jishin nee sou daro? minna dou na no?
tsurai ni PLUS ichi shite so shiawase tsukami tore
ima da! ima da! ugoki dase! yattarou ya! yattarou ya!
yume wa miru MON janaku so kanaeru MON desho?
dakara kanawanai yume nara yume to wa iwanai!!
sore demo hito ga "yume wa yume" da to iu nara
mazu wa orera ga senjin kitte warai tobashite yaru! tobashite yaru!
Japan :
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? ไปใฎ่ชๅ ใใWonderland
My Life ใคใพใใชใ ใใใ่กจๆ ใซ
Don't forget ๅไธๅฟๅธธใซ
ใใใใใใจๆฅใ ๅ้บ Keep it going!
ใคใใฆๆฅใ ไธ็ใซ่กใใใ
ใ ใใใใชใใชใๅคขใชใๅคขใจใฏ่จใใชใ!!
ใใใงใไบบใ「ๅคขใฏๅคข」ใ ใจ่จใใชใ
ใพใใฏไฟบใใๅ ไบบๅใฃใฆ ็ฌใ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ! ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ!
1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
็ฆใใใชใใง ใใผในๅดฉใใใใชใใใ
Some day ่ผใใใใซๅคช้ฝใฎๅ ใๆตดใณใฆใใใใ
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
ๅ ้ขใๆฐใใซ My Menใจ็พฝใฐใใๅบใ
Compassใๆใๆนใธ Go for a sail!!
ไปใ็ก็ใชใ็ฆใๅฟ ่ฆใชใใใฉ
ใ ใใฉๅใใใฏใผๆใฃใฆใใ ใ ใใๅบใใฆใใ!ๅบใใฆใใ!
่ฆใใชใๆๆใงๆญฉใๅๆฐใใชใใใ ใ?
ใชใใฐไฟบใใๅ ใจใชใฃใฆso ็ งใใใฆใใ!็ งใใใฆใใ!
ใ ใใ่จใใใงใใ「ใฉใใไฟบใฏ」ใจใ่จใใฎ
ใพใ ใ !ใพใ ใ !ใใฃใฆใฟใชใใ ๅใใใใ!ๅใใใใ!
ๅ ใฎไฟ้ใฏใใณใฎไธ็ใซใใชใใใ
ใ ใใใใๆฑใใฆใใฃใฆใใ็ตถๅฏพใใซใใฏใชใใใ!!
็พๅฎๅณใชใใจใ ๆ้ใฎใ ใใจใ ใใ่ชฐใใซ่จใใใใชใ
ใใใใๆผใๆฎบใ ๆๆฅใฎใใใใฆ
ๅคขใฏ้ใใชใใ ๅ้ใใใฆใใใใใชใ?
ใใใ้ใใใฎใฏ่ชๅ่ช่บซ ใญใใใใ ใ?ใฟใใชใฉใใชใฎ?
ไปใ !ไปใ !ๅใๅบใ! ใใฃใใใใ!ใใฃใใใใ!
ใ ใใใใชใใชใๅคขใชใๅคขใจใฏ่จใใชใ!!
ใใใงใไบบใ「ๅคขใฏๅคข」ใ ใจ่จใใชใ
ใพใใฏไฟบใใๅ ไบบๅใฃใฆ ็ฌใ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ! ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ!
English :
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? As I am now, Wonderland
My Life, no big deal, it shows in my expression
Don't forget, your aspiration always
A tragic Ronin with too much inspiration, despite reaching for things with no meaning
The things I want to do, the daily adventure, Keep it going!
Follow me! Lets head out to the world!
Dream's aren't just for dreaming, SO, they're for fulfilling, yeah?
So, a dream that you won't make happen isn't a dream at all!!
Regardless, if people still tell us "dreams are just dreams",
First we'll cut down our predecessors and laugh it all off! All of it!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
Don't rush it, you'll bust up your rhythm.
SO I can shine someday, I'm going to soak up the sunlight
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
I'll take off and make my inner face into a new MY face.
In the direction the compass points, Go for a sail!!
If things won't work out right now, there's no need to rush but
but, we've got amazing power So, bring it out! Bring it out!
Because of unseen fear, you don't have the courage to move on, do you?
Then, we'll become your light, SO, we will light your way! Light
your way!
So, don't say "I can't..."
Not yet! Not yet! You'll never know if you don't try! Never!
There is no guarantee of what's ahead.
So, if you go looking for it, you'll never become somebody.
When you're told you have no sense of reality or you're wasting your time
Suppress you're chagrin, make it a spring to tomorrow
Send your vision flying
Dreams don't run, I've got the wrong idea
That's right, the one running is me. Isn't that right? How about it?
Seize happiness, its not that hard!
Now! Now! Get to it! Lets do it! Lets do it!
Dream's aren't just for dreaming, SO, they're for fulfilling, yeah?
So, a dream that you won't make happen isn't a dream at all!!
Regardless, if people still tell us "dreams are just dreams",
First we'll cut down our predecessors and laugh it all off! All of it!
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? ima no jibun saa Wonderland
My Life tsumaranai sore ga hyoujou ni
Don't forget koujoushin tsune ni
imi ga nai mono ni te wo sashi nobete mo shigeki ga tsuyosugi higeki na Ronin
yaritai koto hibi bouken Keep it going!
tsuite koi sekai ni ikou ze
yume wa miru MON janaku so kanaeru MON desho?
dakara kanawanai yume nara yume to wa iwanai!!
sore demo hito ga "yume wa yume" da to iu nara
mazu wa orera ga senjin kitte warai tobashite yaru! tobashite yaru!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
aserasenaide PACE kuzushitakunai kara
Some day kagayaku tame ni taiyou no hikari wo abiteiku kara
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
naimen wo arata ni My Men to habataki dasu
Compass ga sasu hou e Go for a sail!!
ima ga muri nara aseru hitsuyou nai kedo
dakedo sugoi POWER mottenda dakara dashitekou! dashitekou!
mienai kyoufu de aruku yuuki ga nai n daro?
naraba orera ga hikari to natte so terashite yaru! terashite yaru!
dakara iwande kure "douse ore wa" to ka iu no
mada da! mada da! yatte minakya wakaran ze! wakaran ze!
saki no hoshou wa DOKO no sekai ni mo nai kara
dakara sore motomete yattetara zettai DEKAku wa naren zo!!
genjitsumi nai to ka jikan no MUDA to ka moshi dareka ni iwareta nara
kuyashisa oshi koroshi ashita no BANE ni shite
shikkari VISION wo tataki dase!
yume wa nigenai yo kanchigai shiteru n janai?
sou sa nigeru no wa jibun jishin nee sou daro? minna dou na no?
tsurai ni PLUS ichi shite so shiawase tsukami tore
ima da! ima da! ugoki dase! yattarou ya! yattarou ya!
yume wa miru MON janaku so kanaeru MON desho?
dakara kanawanai yume nara yume to wa iwanai!!
sore demo hito ga "yume wa yume" da to iu nara
mazu wa orera ga senjin kitte warai tobashite yaru! tobashite yaru!
Japan :
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? ไปใฎ่ชๅ ใใWonderland
My Life ใคใพใใชใ ใใใ่กจๆ ใซ
Don't forget ๅไธๅฟๅธธใซ
ใใใใใใจๆฅใ ๅ้บ Keep it going!
ใคใใฆๆฅใ ไธ็ใซ่กใใใ
ใ ใใใใชใใชใๅคขใชใๅคขใจใฏ่จใใชใ!!
ใใใงใไบบใ「ๅคขใฏๅคข」ใ ใจ่จใใชใ
ใพใใฏไฟบใใๅ ไบบๅใฃใฆ ็ฌใ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ! ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ!
1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
็ฆใใใชใใง ใใผในๅดฉใใใใชใใใ
Some day ่ผใใใใซๅคช้ฝใฎๅ ใๆตดใณใฆใใใใ
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
ๅ ้ขใๆฐใใซ My Menใจ็พฝใฐใใๅบใ
Compassใๆใๆนใธ Go for a sail!!
ไปใ็ก็ใชใ็ฆใๅฟ ่ฆใชใใใฉ
ใ ใใฉๅใใใฏใผๆใฃใฆใใ ใ ใใๅบใใฆใใ!ๅบใใฆใใ!
่ฆใใชใๆๆใงๆญฉใๅๆฐใใชใใใ ใ?
ใชใใฐไฟบใใๅ ใจใชใฃใฆso ็ งใใใฆใใ!็ งใใใฆใใ!
ใ ใใ่จใใใงใใ「ใฉใใไฟบใฏ」ใจใ่จใใฎ
ใพใ ใ !ใพใ ใ !ใใฃใฆใฟใชใใ ๅใใใใ!ๅใใใใ!
ๅ ใฎไฟ้ใฏใใณใฎไธ็ใซใใชใใใ
ใ ใใใใๆฑใใฆใใฃใฆใใ็ตถๅฏพใใซใใฏใชใใใ!!
็พๅฎๅณใชใใจใ ๆ้ใฎใ ใใจใ ใใ่ชฐใใซ่จใใใใชใ
ใใใใๆผใๆฎบใ ๆๆฅใฎใใใใฆ
ๅคขใฏ้ใใชใใ ๅ้ใใใฆใใใใใชใ?
ใใใ้ใใใฎใฏ่ชๅ่ช่บซ ใญใใใใ ใ?ใฟใใชใฉใใชใฎ?
ไปใ !ไปใ !ๅใๅบใ! ใใฃใใใใ!ใใฃใใใใ!
ใ ใใใใชใใชใๅคขใชใๅคขใจใฏ่จใใชใ!!
ใใใงใไบบใ「ๅคขใฏๅคข」ใ ใจ่จใใชใ
ใพใใฏไฟบใใๅ ไบบๅใฃใฆ ็ฌใ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ! ้ฃใฐใใฆใใ!
English :
Your life is automatic Believe a little magic
Your future may be tragic For a toxic animatic
Don't stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don't you understand? As I am now, Wonderland
My Life, no big deal, it shows in my expression
Don't forget, your aspiration always
A tragic Ronin with too much inspiration, despite reaching for things with no meaning
The things I want to do, the daily adventure, Keep it going!
Follow me! Lets head out to the world!
Dream's aren't just for dreaming, SO, they're for fulfilling, yeah?
So, a dream that you won't make happen isn't a dream at all!!
Regardless, if people still tell us "dreams are just dreams",
First we'll cut down our predecessors and laugh it all off! All of it!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 hurry up!
Don't rush it, you'll bust up your rhythm.
SO I can shine someday, I'm going to soak up the sunlight
Hold on, man! I'll grow up
What can you do? I don't know
I'll take off and make my inner face into a new MY face.
In the direction the compass points, Go for a sail!!
If things won't work out right now, there's no need to rush but
but, we've got amazing power So, bring it out! Bring it out!
Because of unseen fear, you don't have the courage to move on, do you?
Then, we'll become your light, SO, we will light your way! Light
your way!
So, don't say "I can't..."
Not yet! Not yet! You'll never know if you don't try! Never!
There is no guarantee of what's ahead.
So, if you go looking for it, you'll never become somebody.
When you're told you have no sense of reality or you're wasting your time
Suppress you're chagrin, make it a spring to tomorrow
Send your vision flying
Dreams don't run, I've got the wrong idea
That's right, the one running is me. Isn't that right? How about it?
Seize happiness, its not that hard!
Now! Now! Get to it! Lets do it! Lets do it!
Dream's aren't just for dreaming, SO, they're for fulfilling, yeah?
So, a dream that you won't make happen isn't a dream at all!!
Regardless, if people still tell us "dreams are just dreams",
First we'll cut down our predecessors and laugh it all off! All of it!
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