Saturday, April 20, 2013


Today is Birthday of Adolf Hitler. So, i dedicated this page for him. And Some famous quote that i took from Google.


1. Arbeit Macht Frei — Used over the main gates at a number of Nazi concentration camps. In English, the slogan means "work sets you free".

2. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer ("One people, one empire, one leader") — Nazi campaign slogan.

3. Führer befiehl, wir folgen dir! (Führer command, we'll follow you!), from the song "Von Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Meer"

4. Heim ins Reich (Back home into the Reich), describing the Adolf Hitler's initiative to include all areas with ethnic Germans into the German Reich (Austria, Sudetenland, Danzig,...) that led to World War II.

5. Jedem das Seine — Literally, the slogan means "to each his own" and was the German translation of Prussia's motto which read in Latin: "suum cuique". The meaning at that time was "justice for everyone". Used 1937-45 by Nazi Germany over the main gate at Buchenwald concentration camp it figuratively meant "everyone gets what he deserves". The slogan was already used in ancient Roman times by Cicero and Cato.

6. "Wann dem Führer wuste!" - If the Führer only knew! - This was an expression common during the Third Reich among those who supposed that Hitler could do no wrong. The implication being that anything in Germany that was not quite right was so only because Hitler didn't know about it.

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